

There are many research opportunities available for prospective and continuing students at UCSD. A short list of some research oriented programs are included here.

Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM)

CAPAM hosts a variety of workshops dedicated to fisheries modeling and stock assessment, among other programs meant to educate and train future researchers and marine scientists. A list of available workshops is located on their website, and an excerpt from their webpage can be found below:

“Research Programs at CAPAM broadly address animal population biology and dynamics and in particular, fish stock assessment modeling theory and application in fishery science. Programs incorporate specific projects that typically span a 2-3 year timeframe and include CAPAM staff, post-doctoral candidates, visiting scientists, as well as workshops to disseminate research efforts and receive input from interested parties and outside experts. An advisory panel acts in the role of a review body by ensuring research projects are conducted in a timely and scientific manner. Overall, CAPAM provides an efficient infrastructure for conducting modeling research on biologically and economically important marine resources, both regionally and internationally. Ultimately, CAPAM’S deliverables directly benefit the educational and research missions of all three institutions, SIO, SWFSC, and IATTC.”

Summer Training Academy for Research Success (STARS)

From the webpage: “The University of California, San Diego Summer Training Academy for Research Success (STARS) program is an eight-week summer research academy for community college students, undergraduate students, recent college graduates, and masters students. Opened to all disciplines, STARS offers student participants a rigorous research opportunity with esteemed UC San Diego faculty, informative transfer and graduate school preparation workshops, and educational, cultural, and social activities in sunny San Diego.”